Sunday, 28 June 2020

Indoor grow tent

I am not sure how many of my readers understand that I garden outdoors Monday to Friday at Tara’s fathers place. Then I go home and just play video games. I have been working on setting up an automated garden in my apartment that can grow vegetables and give me something to tinker with when I am away from my outdoor garden.  I was running a hydro setup with my root farm, but I did not have a grow tent.

So, from outside the window of the room I am growing in is the brightest window in my apartment building. I had to deal with light leakage as the grow light keeps everyone awake with the crazy bright light.

I purchased a fancy 4x4 grow tent from Amazon and it will do the trick. I will have to figure out an irrigation system so that I can put my plants in soil and have them drip fed water while I am not there.

Here are some pictures of the tent setup.

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